Devin Dunne is my partner, he decided to be silent for two days, Thursday and Friday. More details are in his blog. As for me, here's mine: To my peers, I'm bright, energetic, colorful, and kind. I always have something nice to say, I'm always uplifting, and I always cheer people up with my clean sense of humor. So, I decided that people would notice if I turned into a self-loathing, negative, dark and disturbing person that is hated by everyone and just wants the whole world to collapse in on itself. So, I decided to go gothic for the two days of Thursday, September 2nd and Friday, Semptember 3rd. Here's the plan: I'll dress and act like a gothic person, by wearing black clothes, eye liner, black face paint, black wrist bands. The way I'll act is extremely negative, always having something bad to say, claiming how much life sucks, and just being one big jerk. I'll do this for the two school days I selected, and listen to peoples reactions. I'll remember what they say and write down the ones that I think are the best ones on a piece of paper. I have a feeling the second day won't be as surprising as the first day, do to the fact my classmates already knowing I "turned gothic," I also have play practice on Thursday night, and I would love to see the reactions of my play peers, as well as Ms. Stephinitches (sp?) reaction. My hypothesis is that people will freak out, be surprised at what they're seeing, they would think they weren't seeing the same person. It'll be a riot. I hope to learn from this project that who I am really is who I am, and the smallest change could greatly affect a person's view on me.
All and all, this sounds like a fun project and I'm really looking forward to it. Peace, love eatchother.